핀에어 장거리 국제선 타맥(이동지역내) 지연을 위한 비상계획
한국 공항에서의 장시간 활주로 지연에 대한 Finnair 비상 계획
장시간 기내 지상 지체가 있는 경우 Finnair는 승객에게 다음 서비스를 제공합니다.
- 기내에 고객이 탑승한 국제 운송의 경우 이동 구역에서 4시간 이상의 지연은 발생하지 않습니다. 그러나 기장이 기상 조건이나 정부 기관의 지침과 같은 안전상 또는 보안상의 이유가 있다고 판단하는 경우, 공항 운영에 심각한 지장을 초래하지 않는 한 해당 항공기를 항공기의 이동 구역으로 이동시키거나 해당 탑승 게이트 또는 승객에게 돌아가게 할 수 있습니다.
- 운항 중인 조종사가 안전 또는 보안 고려 사항으로 인해 해당 서비스가 불가능한 것으로 판단하지 않는 한 항공기가 활주로상에 있는 경우, 항공기가 출발 시 게이트를 떠나거나 도착 시 착륙한 후 2시간 이내에 충분한 음식과 음료수를 제공해 드립니다.
- 활주로 지연 사유가 확인된 경우 그러한 정보를 포함하여 30분마다 항공편 지연 현황을 해당 항공편의 승객에게 알려드리겠습니다.
- 필요한 경우 활주로 지연 비상 계획을 실행하기 위해 충분한 자원을 사용할 수 있도록 조치를 취할 것입니다.
Finnair contingency plan for lengthy tarmac delays at US airports
- For international flights covered by this plan that depart from or arrive at a U.S. airport, Finnair will not permit an aircraft to remain on the tarmac at a U.S. airport for more than four hours before allowing passengers to deplane, unless: (i) The pilot-in-command determines there is a safety-related or security-related reason why the aircraft cannot leave its position on the tarmac to deplane passengers; or (ii) Air traffic control advises the pilot-in-command that returning to the gate or another disembarkation point elsewhere in order to deplane passengers would significantly disrupt airport operations.
- For all flights covered by this plan, Finnair will provide adequate food and potable water no later than two hours after the aircraft leaves the gate (in the case of departure) or touches down (in the case of arrival) if the aircraft remains on the tarmac, unless the pilot-in-command determines that safety or security considerations preclude such service.
- For all flights covered by this plan, Finnair will provide operable lavatory facilities, as well as adequate medical attention if needed, while the aircraft remains on the tarmac.
- For all flights covered by this plan, Finnair will notify passengers regarding the status of the delay every 30 minutes while the aircraft is delayed, including the reasons for the tarmac delay, if known.
- For all flights covered by this plan, Finnair will notify passengers on the delayed flight beginning 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time (including any revised departure time that passengers were notified about before boarding), and every 30 minutes thereafter that they have the opportunity to deplane from an aircraft that is at the gate or another disembarkation area with the door open, if the opportunity to deplane actually exists.
- Finnair has sufficient resources to implement this Plan.
- Finnair has coordinated this plan with airport authorities (including terminal facility operators where applicable) at each U.S. airport we serve, as well as our regular U.S. diversion airports.
- Finnair has coordinated this plan with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) at each U.S. airport we serve, including diversion airports.
- Finnair has coordinated this plan with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) at each U.S. airport we serve, including diversion airports.
Finnair emergency response plan for unexpected long tarmac delays at Chinese airports
- For international flights covered by this plan that depart from or arrive at a Chinese airport, Finnair will not permit an aircraft to remain on the tarmac at a Chinese airport for more than three hours before allowing passengers to deplane, unless: (i) The pilot-in-command determines there is a safety-related or security-related reason why the aircraft cannot leave its position on the tarmac to deplane passengers; or (ii) Air traffic control advises the pilot-in-command that returning to the gate or another disembarkation point elsewhere in order to deplane passengers would significantly disrupt airport operations.
- For all flights covered by this plan, Finnair will provide adequate food and potable water no later than two hours after the aircraft leaves the gate (in the case of departure) or touches down (in the case of arrival) if the aircraft remains on the tarmac, unless the pilot-in-command determines that safety or security considerations preclude such service.
- For all flights covered by this plan Finnair will provide operable lavatory facilities, as well as adequate medical attention if needed, while the aircraft remains on the tarmac.
- For all flights covered by this plan, Finnair will provide assurances that passengers on the delayed flight will receive notifications regarding the status of the delay every 30 minutes while the aircraft is delayed, including the reasons for the tarmac delay, if known.
- For all flights cover by this plan, Finnair provides assurances that the passengers on the delayed flight will be notified beginning 30 minutes after scheduled departure time (including any revised departure time that passengers were notified about before boarding).
- Finnair provides assurances that it has sufficient resources to implement this Plan.
- Finnair has coordinated this plan with airport authorities (including terminal facility operators where applicable) at each Chinese airport we serve, as well as its regular Chinese diversion airports.
- For all flights covered by this plan, Finnair provides assurances that this plan has been coordinated with Chinese immigration, customs, security at each Chinese airport, that is regularly used for that carrier’s international flights, including diversion airports.