Feedback and compensation | Finnair
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Our feedback handling is currently congested and the average handling time is 2–6 weeks. We are sorry to keep you waiting.

Feedback og kompensation

Vi sætter pris på din feedback og er her for at hjælpe dig med dine krav og andre anliggender. Din feedback er værdifuld for os med henblik på fortsat udvikling af vores tjenester.

Bemærk, at kundeservice ikke kan hjælpe med sager om feedback. De håndteres kun via denne online-formular.

For oplysninger om mere generelle emner henvises du til de ofte stillede spørgsmål.

Important notes

Flight disruptions: 

  • Select "Submit a claim request for the flight disruptions or baggage issues".
  • If you'd like to claim compensation for flight disruptions under the EU 261/2004 regulation, kindly submit the claim request within two months after the disrupted flight date. Note that the standard compensation might not be paid if the flight disruption was caused by extraordinary circumstances, such as strikes, meteorological conditions, unexpected flight safety shortcomings and air traffic management decisions. Read more about Finnair Passenger Rights to get detailed information about EU 261/2004.   

Baggage issues: 

  • Select "Submit a claim request for the flight disruptions or baggage issues".
  • If you'd like to claim compensation for delayed or damaged baggage, please note that you need to have a WorldTracer number (the number marked on the delayed or damaged baggage report). Kindly check the Lost, delayed or damaged baggage page for more details.
  • Please make sure that you submit the compensation claim for the delayed baggage within 21 days after receiving the delayed baggage or contact your insurance company.
  • If your baggage is delayed on your return flight, we expect you to have your necessary items at home. This means that Finnair does not compensate for the cost of such items.
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