How do I ask for a refund for my paid seat? | Finnair Italy
Frequently asked questions

How do I ask for a refund for my paid seat?

Advance Seat Selection refund conditions are independent of fare refund conditions. Paid seating will not be refunded if you cancel your flight, are involuntarily upgraded due to over-sales, or are not suitable to sit in the seat type you have selected. Also, if you change the alternative seat provided by Finnair yourself, it will not be refunded as the seat you selected will be considered a suitable alternative.

Paid seating can be refunded if

  • there is an aircraft change and Finnair is unable to seat you in a suitable alternative seat
  • there is a flight disruption causing you to be moved to another flight and Finnair is unable to seat you in a suitable alternative seat on your new flight

Read more about seat refund eligibility

Refund application

If the reservation was made seven days or more prior to the flight's scheduled departure time, you can cancel it within 24 hours from the original booking without a refund fee. Please contact our customer service. The easiest and fastest way to contact us is via chat.

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