I checked in online and the system informed me that the flight is overbooked and that you are looking for volunteers to change flights. What should I do? | Finnair India
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I checked in online and the system informed me that the flight is overbooked and that you are looking for volunteers to change flights. What should I do?

Because of the likelihood of no-shows, we sometimes accept more bookings for our flights than there are seats on the aircraft. We are able to estimate the number of passengers who are likely to travel, and it is rare for seats not to become available at departure.

If you would like to volunteer to change flights, please choose the correct option in the online check-in. Please arrive to the airport and to the boarding gate normally. The gate agent will tell you whether there are seats on the original flight and give information about the alternative flights if necessary. The agent will also inform you about the possible compensation.

If your travel plans are not flexible, please choose that option in the check-in flow.

You can read more about overbooking here.

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