Can I verify my travel documents digitally before my flight? | Finnair Finland
Please note that there may be issues with booking partner flights between Europe and North America. We are investigating the matter.
Frequently asked questions

Can I verify my travel documents digitally before my flight?

Starting from 6 November 2024, we will offer travel document pre-checks as part of the online check-in on selected routes. The service will initially be available when you travel to or from Thailand, Japan or South Korea.

How to use the service:

  1. Start checking in normally online on our website. You will be directed to the travel document pre-check service when it’s available for your flight. Unfortunately, the service is not yet available in the Finnair mobile app.
  2. Scan your travel documents using your phone’s camera or upload a picture of your document.
  3. Verify the documents for all the passengers on the same booking, one at a time.
  4. You will see a green sign once the documents have been successfully verified.
  5. Continue to finalise the check-in.

At the airport, with your boarding pass ready, you can go directly to the Bag Drop. When using our self-service Bag Drop, first print the bag tag from one of the check-in kiosks. Then you can go via security to the boarding gate.

Remember to still take the required travel documents with you, as you may be asked to show them at different stages of your journey, for example at border control.

When your travel documents have been verified in advance, you can start your journey smoother at the airport. You will also know that your travel documents are OK for your trip, giving you peace of mind.

If you cannot or do not want to scan or upload your documents in advance, we will check them at the airport.

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