Finnair gift card | Finnair India

How to book with a Finnair gift card

1. Search flights on or app

Seeing prices in a currency other than €? Since our gift cards are in euros, please switch to a eurozone country from the location selector.

2. Select your flights and travel extras

Our gift card can be used for any flight sold on! If you prefer to book travel extras in Manage booking, you can also use the gift card there.

3. Choose gift card as payment method

In the payment step, insert the gift card number and PIN code. If the total exceeds the value of your gift card, you can pay the remaining sum using another payment method.

Can't find or recall the gift card number or PIN?

Finnair gift cards are digital-only, so you should have received yours via email. Try searching your inbox for emails that contain 'Finnair' or 'gift card'.

If that didn't help and you didn't purchase the gift card or receive it from Finnair as compensation, check with the person who gifted it to you. Otherwise, you can contact the customer service via the chat.

We require a PIN to keep your gift card safe and protect it from unauthorized use.

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