Tightened border controls in Finland as of 19 March | Finnair India

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Tightened border controls in Finland as of 19 March

The Finnish authorities will tighten border controls in Finland between 19 March and 13 May 2020. Read closely for further information if you plan to travel to/via Finland.

First published on 18 March 2020

The Finnish authorities will tighten border controls in Finland between 19 March and 13 May 2020. In practice, this includes the following:

  • Border controls will be reinstated on all intra-Schengen routes
  • Helsinki Airport, as well as airports of Turku and Mariehamn, will be kept open for returning customers and cargo flights. All other airports will be closed from international traffic.
  • Foreigners who are currently in Finland are allowed to exit the country
  • Finnish nationals are recommended not to travel abroad. Nationals and residents returning to Finland are asked to stay in quarantine at home for 14 days
  • Your travel documents will be checked on all Finnair flights to or via Helsinki

You are allowed to enter Finland if you are:

  • A national of Finland
  • A family member of a national of Finland (provided that you are entitled to enter and stay in Finland)
  • Holder of a valid Finnish residence permit
  • EU national who is registered as staying in Finland 

As an EU national and a holder of EU issued residence permit, you are allowed to return to your EU country of residence via Finland. However, if you show any signs of illness, your entry may be denied.

Non-EU nationals who are leaving the Schengen area via Finland can return to their country of residence via Finland, e.g. Japanese nationals travelling from Paris to Tokyo via Helsinki.

Travel from a non-Schengen country to another non-Schengen country is allowed via Helsinki. However, you should be travelling to your country of residence and remain in the non-Schengen transit area of Helsinki Airport. You must be eligible to enter your destination, taking into consideration any possible coronavirus related restrictions of the destination.

Some exceptions to the above restrictions may be granted for essential work-related travel to e.g. immigration authorities, health professionals, transportation sector and diplomats, but we are still waiting for further details on the exceptions from the Finnish authorities.

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