Handling of delayed baggage heavily congested | Finnair India

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Handling of delayed baggage heavily congested

There are delays in baggage handling at European airports due to the challenging winter weather conditions and other disruptions. We will deliver your baggage to you as soon as possible.

There are delays in baggage handling at European airports due to the challenging winter weather conditions and other disruptions. Also, the delivery of delayed baggage can currently take longer than normally, and the delivery time can be some days. We are sorry for any inconvenience and understand your frustration. We will deliver your baggage to you as soon as possible.

Please label all your baggage clearly by adding your name and contact details, such as mobile phone number and email address, inside and outside of your bag.

If your baggage hasn’t arrived, please do the following:

  • Create a delay report for your baggage  online. Please remember to fill in all information correctly, for example fill in your first and last names to the right fields. This helps you to follow the status of your baggage later.
  • You can then follow the status of your baggage through WorldTracer service using your last name and the report number.
  • In case your baggage has not been found within 72 hours, please provide us with more information of your baggage content online in English.

We will contact you personally to organise the delivery of your baggage, after it has arrived.


In case your baggage is delayed, you can apply for compensation from your insurance company or from us. We compensate you for the reasonable costs of necessary items you purchase during your trip. Please send your request to us through this feedback form. We ask you to do it within 21 days of receiving your baggage. Please keep all the documents until your request is fully resolved.

Our customer service via phone and email regarding delayed baggage is unfortunately currently congested. We do our best to answer you as soon as possible. We thank you for your patience.

Read more detailed instructions here.

You can check your passenger rights here.

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