Changing travel dates for flights booked in March | Finnair India

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Changing travel dates for flights booked in March

Did you book your flight on 9-31 March and would like to change your travel dates? Please read on to see if your ticket is eligible and fulfill the conditions to change the dates free of charge.

First published on 1 April 2020

You can change your travel dates free of charge and travel until 30 November 2020, if:

  • Your travel date is the latest on 30 November 2020.
  • You booked your ticket through Finnair channels.
  • You have a Finnair operated and marketed flight.
  • There are available seats on your chosen new flight.
  • You make the change before the departure of your original flight. Please note that you need to select new dates for your travel when making the change.
  • Please note that the change in the ticket rules doesn’t apply to Finnair Holidays, Aurinkomatkat (Suntours), and other tour operators’ customers.
  • In case you would like to cancel your booking, the refund will be according to the original ticket rules.

If you purchased a travel extra and change your travel date, we will move the travel extra to your new flight if possible, otherwise, it is eligible for a refund.

This is how you can change your travel date

  • Go to Manage booking and select new available dates for your travel.
  • You can also contact our customer service. We are sorry if our customer service is congested.
  • If you have purchased your ticket partly with Finnair Plus points or you have upgraded your flight with money or a tier benefit, please contact our customer service to change your travel dates.
  • If you have a group reservation, please contact your travel agency.

We are at your service also on Twitter @FinnairHelps, on our Facebook pages, and via chat on 

You can check your passenger rights here.

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