Baggage tracing form | Finnair United Kingdom

Baggage tracing form

Dear customer, we apologise for the mishandling of your baggage.

Please fill in this form if your baggage has not been returned to you within 72 hours after your flight. To facilitate our baggage tracing, please try to give as much detailed information about your baggage as possible, since name tags and other easily identifiable objects may have been lost during handling.

You can follow the tracing of your baggage in the WorldTracer system at

Enter your details

Please note that the form must be filled in English.

* Mandatory fields

Your property irregularity report

Passenger and baggage information

Finnair Plus membership tier

Flight and baggage details

A new form item will be created above this button

Description of bag

Is the bag

Description of content

Please list the content of each bag separately. Also indicate whether the item belongs to a male, female or child. Example: (Item) Sweater - (Description: model, brand, size, colour) V-neck, Capra, 38, blue - (Owner) Female

A new form item will be created above this button
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